Friday, December 16, 2011

The outside matters!

For today I had already made up my mind about what to post. When I saw Raumfee´s post this morning, however, I quickly changed my mind and decided to post an answer to her question. What she asked today was, if we readers had ever bought something to eat, just because we liked the design. My answer to that is Yesyesyes! While Raumfee came up with a really stylish and puristic can of sardines by Stockholm Design Lab, I would like to show you my more infantile example of such a buy. Yes, I am a fan of whimsical home accessories and ok, I even liked the content of the box...

Can you believe this is the packaging for cheese? I found the little monk and the bright and sunny yellow background to be ideal as a picture, for the kitchen for instance. And there is already another finding of this kind waiting to be assigned its new purpose: A five liter ketchup can which I will turn into a flower or herb pot!

I wave you good-bye for a nice weekend, and so would like to do this buddy.


  1. Das tolle bei diesem Verein ist, dass sie nicht nur Weihnachten hinfahren sondern das ganze Jahr über ein paar Mal, dh du kannst jederzeit etwas hinbringen, die haben bei uns einen Container stehen und da kann man die Sachen reintun, vor allem Kleidung brauchen sie! Hab all meine alten Sachen nach Bulgarien geschickt ;-) Und jetzt wieder ein paar Pullis!

    coole Verpackung übrigens :-D

  2. Die Verpackung ist der Hammer!
    Und Suppe mit Vodka? Ich bin dabei!

  3. hallo julia, danke für deinen netten kommentar <3 vlg von lu


Willkommen and hi! I would love to read your comments and thoughts :)